
Rhetorics of Affect: Notes on the Political Theory of the Passions
A Response to Jonathan Kramnick, “Criticism and Truth”
Beautiful Circuits and Subterfuges
Introduction to “Essays from the English Institute” (with Frances Ferguson)
Nihilism and Belief in Contemporary European Thought
“. . . wrestling with (My God !) my God”: Modernism, Nihilism, and Belief
L’exemple de la puissance ou la puissance de l’exemple?
Le 11-septembre et les fables de Noam Chomsky et Toni Negri
La pensée politique dans le brouillard de la guerre
Innovation: Notes on Nihilism and the Aesthetics of the Novel
Call the Conflict by its Proper Name: Geo-Civil War
A Retreat from Great Europe? – Part II
Politics, Mortal and Natal: An Arendtian Rejoinder
Rewolujonisci Wpadaja na Oranzade (The Revolutionists Stop for Orangeade)
Race Publics: Civic Illiberalism, or Race After Reagan
Politics and Form in Song of Solomon
Multiculturalism and Criticism
Family, Community, Polis: The Freudian Structure of Feeling
An Introduction to Romanticism
Conflicting Interpretations of Romanticism
Wole Soyinka on Myth and Tragedy in Yoruba Culture
Resetting the Agenda: A Response to Derrida (with Jules David Law)
The Concrete Utopia of Poetry: Blake’s “A Poison Tree”
Mass Media: From Collective Experience to the Culture of Privatization
Deconstruction and the Social Text
Introduction to Georges Bataille (“The Psychological Structure of Fascism”)
The Other and the One: Psychoanalysis, Reading, the Symposium
Writing, Desire, Dialectic in Petrarch’s Rime 2
Website Design by Daniel Jacobson

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