
Contours of Dread

Rhetorics of Affect: Notes on the Political Theory of the Passions


Varieties of Nothing

A Response to Jonathan Kramnick, “Criticism and Truth”

Voice and Time

My Lai at 50

I, Not I

World and Novel

Beautiful Circuits and Subterfuges

Introduction to “Essays from the English Institute” (with Frances Ferguson)

Nihilism and Belief in Contemporary European Thought

“. . . wrestling with (My God !) my God”: Modernism, Nihilism, and Belief


L’exemple de la puissance ou la puissance de l’exemple?

Le 11-septembre et les fables de Noam Chomsky et Toni Negri

La pensée politique dans le brouillard de la guerre

Innovation: Notes on Nihilism and the Aesthetics of the Novel

Call the Conflict by its Proper Name: Geo-Civil War

A Retreat from Great Europe? – Part II

On Voice

Freud the Modernist

For a New Aesthetic Education


Queer Post-Politics

Politics, Mortal and Natal: An Arendtian Rejoinder

Changeons l’angle

La Peur de l’incertitude

Rewolujonisci Wpadaja na Oranzade (The Revolutionists Stop for Orangeade)

Extreme Criticism

Reply to Drucilla Cornell

Introduction to Maud Mannoni

The Labyrinth of Accusation


Unholy Writ

Race Publics: Civic Illiberalism, or Race After Reagan

Raymond Williams and Marxism

Politics and Form in Song of Solomon

The Citizen Myth

Multiculturalism and Criticism

Family, Community, Polis: The Freudian Structure of Feeling

An Introduction to Romanticism

Conflicting Interpretations of Romanticism

Reading Keats “To Autumn”

Wole Soyinka on Myth and Tragedy in Yoruba Culture

The Writer in African Society

Resetting the Agenda: A Response to Derrida (with Jules David Law)

“Fascist Commitments”

The Concrete Utopia of Poetry: Blake’s “A Poison Tree”

“Theses on Cultural Marxism”

Mass Media: From Collective Experience to the Culture of Privatization

Deconstruction and the Social Text

Introduction to Georges Bataille (“The Psychological Structure of Fascism”)

The Other and the One: Psychoanalysis, Reading, the Symposium

Narcissus in the Text

Writing, Desire, Dialectic in Petrarch’s Rime 2


Website Design by Daniel Jacobson